내부 튜닝 SECO
Name | Description | Value |
B | shank width | 19.0 mm |
Barcode | Product barcode | 36892750000103 |
CTMS | connection text machine side | 20 |
CTWS | connection text workpiece side | WN..0604.. |
DCINN | cutting diameter internal minimum | 25.00 mm |
DMM | shank diameter | 20.00 mm |
GAMO | rake angle orthogonal | -5.0 deg |
H | Height of tool holder shank | 18.0 mm |
HAND | Direction of cutting | Right |
ICS | Insert clamping system | W |
ItemNumber | Item Number | 75036892 |
KAPR | tool cutting edge angle | 95.0 deg |
KAPRC | Tool Cutting Edge Angle Code | L |
LAMS | inclination angle | -14.0 deg |
LF | functional length | 180.00 mm |
LH | head length | 27.0 mm |
SC | Insert shape code | W |
Shanktype | Shanktype | Cylindrical |
Weight | Net weight | 0.361 kg |
VER | Version (Internal/External/Both) | Internal |
WF | functional width | 13.0 mm |